Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Last fall I was out to dinner with a friend. In the usual settling up of the bill afterwards, she gave me a dollar with a stamp on it, directing me to I might not have even noticed, but she told me I should check this out--it was an interesting site. I actually meant to tuck it into a Christmas stocking as a novel (and cheap), activity, but I forgot. Then, afraid I would accidentally spend it before logging on (a shrewd move as it turns out), I stashed it in a galaxy far far away in my purse. There it sat.

A couple of weeks ago I got a second bill with a similar stamp. This caused me to remember the first one, but in the meantime I was craving popcorn, so I noted the serial number and fed it into the snack machine at work. Then I logged on to the wheresgeorge site and my eyes were opened.

I found out that the site is supposed to track the natural life of the currency. I think it is a bit ironic that the natural life of the currency was interrupted by my curiosity about the site itself. Nothing else would have made me hoard a dollar bill for 8 or 9 months. In addition, it turns out that this is a major hobby for some people, like scrapbooking or gambling. There are people who have set loose $20,000 or more in currency, just to see where it goes. There are blogs, chats, opinions. etc. There is also vocabulary. What I had in my possession was a "Wild" and it has a "parent" named Denny. I don't feel as special about it since discovering that Denny has a lot of Wilds out there. Does this suggest anything to you? Or is it just me who feels like I just became a stepmother while wondering about all of Denny's other offspring? Denny must be feeling disappointed about this particular offspring since it was last seen at a Walgreen's in 2008 and hasn't done much with its life. Never fear, Denny, as of yesterday, this dollar bought a cookie and is on the move again.

And the other dollar? I honestly answered the question "Is this note now in your possession?" with a "no"and I got a lecture. Apparently that is a very big rule violation because it might lead to notes being entered out of order. I figured with the Swanson's vending machine company I had a few days of grace, but wheresgeorge did not agree. And this from a site that tracks dollar bills into and out of all sorts of places I would rather not know about. If you happen to see me about town receiving change in my surgical gloves, cut me a little slack. I may know more than you want to about where your money has been.

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