Thursday, September 3, 2009


No, not that depressing French movie--I am referring to behavior that began last Friday when I discovered Bejeweled Blitz, one of the applications on Facebook. Henceforth, I will refer to it as the Devil B, so as not to add to the allure.

Not since Tetris was new have I wasted so much time. My friend Mary warned me, but I see she is posting a score of over 59,000 points in the current tournament, so clearly she is not taking her own advice.

I have been playing Lexulous for a few weeks now and it is fairly sedate. Much like Scrabble, the game it imitates, there is a board, there are letters, and everyone takes turns. Sometimes several days go by between turns, unless you have three players on three computers in the same house. Then it gets raucous with much yelling and thundering up and down the stairs and the neighbors might complain. In short, everyone's idea of good family fun.

The Devil B is a totally different animal. This is the kind of game that causes eye strain, weight loss (or gain) and repetitive stress syndrome in the mouse hand. And all since last Friday. It has all of the ingredients of a good game: it takes less than a minute to learn, but I am still working out the strategy. My scores keep going up, but it feeds me just enough stratospheric success that I want more. The shapes, colors, and sound effects provide enough multisensory cues that I know when I am doing well, and I always want to do better. I thrive on the sound of jewels glissading into patterns of 3, 4, and 5, exploding into thousands of points.

I was talking to some friends recently about keeping the brain active--the goal, apparently, is to keep laying down neural pathways. I am sure I have, but all of my new pathways are causing me to see pink triangles and discs that look like Werther's Original Toffees whenever I close my eyes. I am not at all sure this will protect me from dementia. In fact, could this be causing dementia. At the very least, I am short on sleep.

It has also occurred to me (as I am sure it has to you) that this may be one of the alien plots to subjugate the human race. The first step, after making everyone play this game compulsively, is to withdraw the game. I am getting an error message as we speak. Although my friend Mary is merrily ramping up her scores, I CAN'T GET IN!!!!

I think may need a Devil B exorcist. Either that, or a flight to New Zealand where the jewels cascade, free of error messages.

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