Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Community Supported Agriculture

We love to eat our veggies and we eat them all the time
So I signed up extra-early for our CSA on line.

It was then I saw the check box for a rebate on our dough,
A family health plan kick-back for two years in a row.

Imagine our excitement when we found out it was true.
A prize for buying local, green, and organic too!

But how to spend the windfall? For stimulate, we must.
Obama said we should and in the President we trust.

We thought about more veggies and decided we could not.
A body has it’s limits for kohlrabi and what not.

So, we visited our farmers and sought their sage advice.
What worthy thing could match our rebate with it’s price?

Dave pondered our dilemma as he poured another beer.
It was just the proper temperature, unpasteurized and clear.

Then Tom had an epiphany—he knew what he should do.
He researched all his options, and when that phase was through,

Informed me that that by end of March, and certainly no later,
We’d be toasting to our health from a brand new kegerator.

“It will pay for itself in no time—even faster if we drink more beer.”

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