Sunday, May 17, 2009


Last fall we finally built the kitchen garden that has been in the planning stages for the past ten years. Yes, ten years, since we ripped out the old raised bed, relocated the perennials that lived there, and repeatedly discussed the replacement. Last fall, Tom moved more than a ton of stone, a task especially onerous when one is coerced into an extra layer even after the neighbors have weighed in with their opinions. (Just remember, opinion counts for nothing when set against vision).

Last fall, I planted bulbs and a few perennials and was gratified when the squirrels didn't plunder all of them. This weekend, I added almost four flats of herbs and color in the form of both perennials and annuals. I know I will love raiding this bed for dinner all summer long--rosemary, oregano, fennel, arugula, parsley, savory, chicory, thyme, cilantro. These plants will be watered and lovingly tended.

But my favorite plant in the garden today is the volunteer viola I found growing in the brick patio. This was no nursery plant, carefully fertilized and watered. This is the bloom that had a rough life and beat the odds. I will cut and eat the bounty from my kitchen garden all summer, but this is the plant I will remember.

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