Monday, March 22, 2010


Oh my. Say what you will about the health care reform bill (pause for editorial comment, "it is about damn time, and I am sure it would have been better if everybody had been participating instead of obstructing"), the political rhetoric has been astounding. Let's start right here in my home state where Congressman Ryan had a lot to say. As it turns out, so do I.
CR: This bill does not reduce the deficit.
Me: I thought the purpose of all was to provide affordable health care to average citizens.
CR: What kind of country will we be in the 21st century?
Me: Hopefully a healthier and more prosperous one.
CR: Do we want the government having a bigger role in making personal decisions?
Me: No, that is why it is a mistake to criminalize abortion, regardless of who pays for it.
CR: Our rights come from nature and nature's God, and not from the government.
Me: Are you referring to Gaia/Mother Earth--and is the Republican party okay with this view?
CR: When the government creates rights and is solely responsible for delivering these artificial rights...
Me: Wait, are we talking about guns now? Let's not go there.
CR: This bill is condescending--more Americans will have to depend on the government than themselves.
Me: You mean like those people who can't afford to retire after a lifetime of work because they are too young for Medicare and can't pay for health care? Those people? Or maybe it is the elderly at the end of their lives who watch their life savings disappear into the nursing home until they are on their last dime and can finally apply for Medicaid? Or perhaps you mean the people who would like to return to school and retrain for more relevant employment who are held prisoner by their employer-paid health insurance. "Let freedom ring" has a whole new meaning with affordable health care.

And Congressman "Baby Killer" Neugebauer? You should be ashamed of yourself. Bills don't kill babies, poor health care does.

Now sit down and shut up. There is serious work to be done.

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