Saturday, September 6, 2008


We can deny the fact that global warming is not caused by man. The question is can we take that risk? Palin seems to be an intellient woman but, is misguided if she thinks, she can take on congress as VP.I think she is being used by the powers in the Republican Party, Boy what a chess game.!!!!!
Lillie, richmond, USA
Not sure bout bears, and warming. But i do know that i had my first child at 16 and I raised 4 by myself & my mother is a wonderful person! Stop bashing Mrs. Palin for her kids! Does anyone know the politics of raising kids? Obviously not! Shut up until you have been in her shoes!
Robin , Munford, USA
Palin is radical and not qualified to be President but neither was George Bush. If that's the kind of leaders the idiot Republicans want to put in power so be it. George Bush couldn't even spell the word science let alone understand it. Palin can't understand it either. Obama all the way for me.
Paul S., Cary, NC, USA

Dear Robin,

I am confused. When you say I should shut up until I have been in her shoes, exactly what do you mean? I have raised children, and there weren’t politics involved. It was more about earning a living and providing them with an education and the kind of family values that are talked about a lot in Republican circles but not always carried into action. I am very proud of my children—one of them is a Peace Corp volunteer and the other teaches the children of single mothers who are furthering their education.

I am sure your mother is a wonderful person, but is she qualified to be Vice President of (one of) the most powerful countries on earth? I have no interest in bashing Ms. Palin for her kids—how many she has and what kind of parent she has been is not really the issue. Her political experience and the opinions she holds that can affect my life as a citizen and the trajectory of this country are the issue. Frankly, Robin, I find her lacking in experience and I find her political views revolting. If I understand you correctly, I may not have the authority to speak on this since neither I nor my children were parents at the age of sixteen, but I hope you will reconsider here. After all, she slashed funding to programs aimed at women just like you.

And Robin, I am sure you are a busy person, but please check into the bears and warming at some point before you vote.


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