Sunday, September 21, 2008


This isn't what I intended to write about at all, but I am frankly frightened by what I am reading during our final weeks leading up to the election. The serious press seems to be at last waking from the dream/nightmare of the last eight years. As they groggily shake their heads to clear them, they are beginning to lay bare the truth behind some of the propoganda being promoted by the McCain campaign, the "Roveian" tactics that have been so incredibly effective for the Republicans. (The not-so-serious press is too busy rolling in the delights of a VP candidate with a photogenic face and accessories, but more on that later.) It is hard enough to watch the ads that claim Obama will raise taxes--not true for the vast majority of Americans--or see how ridiculously easy it still is to use scare tactics and disseminate falsehoods--- "repeat a lie ofen enough and it will be believed" It is even more difficult to contemplate those subjects not being discussed.

So let's talk about cancer. In particular, let's talk about skin cancer. There are a couple of kinds that most people know about: Basal cell carcinoma is the kind that lots of fair-skinned northern European types get once they hit middle age. The dermatologist removes it in an office procedure and it is a pain, but not generally deadly. Melanoma is the other one. It can affect anyone, and it can show up anywhere, not just in areas that have been overexposed to the sun. It spreads aggressively, to the point that some surgical procedures call for mapping the downstream lymph system and removing it along with the mole in question.

My half-sister was diagnosed with melanoma on her shoulder blade at the age of 34. She had spent a few years living in Arizona and was a real outdoors type. She was fortunate enough to have excellent health insurance and she was successfully treated. In October 1999, 10 years after she was declared "cancer free," she decided to move from Arkansas to Colorado. Her doctor gave her a thorough check up to serve as a baseline for her new medical providers in Colorado--in the course of this, a nodule was discovered in her lung. It was just sitting there quietly, causing no symptoms yet, and we all felt that she was extremely lucky to have had this diagnosed by happenstance, much earlier than it would have been otherwise. Also on her side was her otherwise good health, and excellent health insurance and access to care. Needless to say, treatment was aggressive. Eight months later, at the age of 45, she died of metastatic melanoma to the brain.

This is a sad story, but in the case of my half-sister, there were no national implications. Her death did not impair the running of a nation or result in a stunningly unqualified politician taking up the reins of our government. While some of you might argue that we have had a stunningly unqualified person at the helm for the last eight years and nothing too bad happened, let me remind you that plenty of bad things happened. Even so, as much as I have been unable to watch our President in action (can anyone forget him getting the giggles when the mayor of Hamburg, Germany referred to her people as Hamburgers?) it could be far, far seriously worse if Sarah Palin gets keys to the White House and the code to the direct line to the Kremlin--(howdy neighbor!) among other things.

I suppose I could be accused of using the same scare tactics that have been so effective for the Republicans. I have a couple of things to say about that. First of all, some of you may not find this scenario scary ("kind of a babe" in the White House!) but you should. The second is that everything I say here is true, and has nothing to do with spin. Finally, (alright, three things) this is a reason to NOT vote for McCain. There are plenty of reasons to vote FOR Obama that have nothing to do with the McCain/Palin ticket. Check them out, use your healthy brain, and vote.

Saturday, September 6, 2008


We can deny the fact that global warming is not caused by man. The question is can we take that risk? Palin seems to be an intellient woman but, is misguided if she thinks, she can take on congress as VP.I think she is being used by the powers in the Republican Party, Boy what a chess game.!!!!!
Lillie, richmond, USA
Not sure bout bears, and warming. But i do know that i had my first child at 16 and I raised 4 by myself & my mother is a wonderful person! Stop bashing Mrs. Palin for her kids! Does anyone know the politics of raising kids? Obviously not! Shut up until you have been in her shoes!
Robin , Munford, USA
Palin is radical and not qualified to be President but neither was George Bush. If that's the kind of leaders the idiot Republicans want to put in power so be it. George Bush couldn't even spell the word science let alone understand it. Palin can't understand it either. Obama all the way for me.
Paul S., Cary, NC, USA

Dear Robin,

I am confused. When you say I should shut up until I have been in her shoes, exactly what do you mean? I have raised children, and there weren’t politics involved. It was more about earning a living and providing them with an education and the kind of family values that are talked about a lot in Republican circles but not always carried into action. I am very proud of my children—one of them is a Peace Corp volunteer and the other teaches the children of single mothers who are furthering their education.

I am sure your mother is a wonderful person, but is she qualified to be Vice President of (one of) the most powerful countries on earth? I have no interest in bashing Ms. Palin for her kids—how many she has and what kind of parent she has been is not really the issue. Her political experience and the opinions she holds that can affect my life as a citizen and the trajectory of this country are the issue. Frankly, Robin, I find her lacking in experience and I find her political views revolting. If I understand you correctly, I may not have the authority to speak on this since neither I nor my children were parents at the age of sixteen, but I hope you will reconsider here. After all, she slashed funding to programs aimed at women just like you.

And Robin, I am sure you are a busy person, but please check into the bears and warming at some point before you vote.


Monday, September 1, 2008


It was just a matter of time before this C word got posted, and what better time than the annual harvest of chiles from my garden? This year has yielded a pretty good crop but I again failed to label my plants. I thought I had, but either I was wrong or evil garden gnomes are laughing at my efforts to identify my produce. Today I grilled and peeled an assortment of peppers that included either New Mexico chiles or Italian frying peppers. Both delicious, but with a real difference in heat and recipe application. At least in my own garden I know better than to plant anything I wouldn't eat. I can't say the same for peppers acquired at the farmer's market.

Yes, yes, I know, free will, and all that, but here is what happened. I was looking at a basket of jalapenos and wishing they were serranos, when I spied a basket of long wrinkly members of the capsicum family. When I asked about them, I was told they were too spicy for me. Too spicy for me???? Of course they are, but what self-respecting person walks away from that sort of challenge? I am not sure because I am confident that no one I know would do anything but plunk down two bucks to buy the lot and that is exactly what I did. Now I have a problem. I have no idea what these are or what I should do with them. I went entirely through my Chile Pepper Encyclopedia by Dave DeWitt and I did not see anything that resembles my unidentified capsicums. I did find the following entry though, which is worth sharing:

"In Guntur, as in other worldwide hotbeds of chile consumption, those who do not eat chile are viewed with concern, if not suspicion. The people of Guntur attribute the abnormal avoidance of chile to several causes: the offenders have lived abroad, are from out of town, or have married someone from a less fiery state."

Guilty on all three counts and, I have to say, there is no state less fiery than Appleton, Wisconsin.

But back to the problem at hand, is there anyone out there who can tell me what it is I bought at the farmer's market? Extra bonus points if you can provide a recipe that uses them in some edible and delicious manner.